
Thanh Tam mineral organic fertilizers and Thanh Tam VN-HUMIX bio-organic fertilizers have been tested across the country, and are rated by experts as current top quality products in Vietnam. To verify the products’ efficiency, sustainability and safety towards consumers, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd has cooperatively carried out experiments on various common trees in over 20 provinces.

In order to improve products’ quality, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd has cooperated to exclusively distribute, utilize the ingredients from Purebase Corporation – USA with abundant, quality secondary, micro nutrient content, providing essential minerals for soil. Thanh Tam Fertilizer’s imported ingredients, which are used to produce organic products, all receive international organic certification.

Thanh Tam Fertilizer Company has successfully built a smart and sustainable organic agriculture farm model, studied by Thanh Tam’s team of experts, engineers. This model can also be applied to various kinds of soil and small climate regions of Vietnam, and does not require too much farmland, with a rate of investment of 100 million dong/ha and above, ensuring criteria such as:

 ● Organic breeding and farming (without the use of processed food, chemical fertilizers, poisonous chemicals in prevention of diseases, or unnatural physical chemical methods…)

● Application of advanced technology to maximize and automate 70-100% production, harvest and preparation processes.

● Ensuring food hygiene.

● Increasing productivity and unleashing labour effort for farmers.

● Sustainable development (without polluting the environment, contributing to greenhouse effect, or diminishing biodiversity…).


Planting and caring techniques for asparagus

Asparagus scientific name Asparagus officinalis – a perennial, shrub, herbaceous plant. There are 3 types: purple asparagus, white asparagus and green asparagus, which grow well in temperatures of 20 – 300C, preferably 250C. Asparagus is resistant to cold, but below 15 degrees Celsius the plant will stop growing. Asparagus is grown both in the plains […]

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1.Strategic partners 2. Purebase – USA Website Purebase is a natural mineral resource company that produces agricultural applications and soil amendments. Purebase provides new and improved, environmentally sound solutions to a wide range of industries, including our cornerstone market of agriculture. Headquartered in Ione, California and listed on the OTCQB under the symbol PUBC, […]

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Planting and caring techniques for dragon fruit
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