Linking and consuming products

Included in the long-term and sustainable development plans of Thanh Tam, linking and consuming agricultural products play an important role in the chain of linking farm produce which Thanh Tam is heading towards. Procuring, purchasing, consuming fresh and safe farm produce according to organic standards are important criteria for Vietnamese agricultural products in general and Thanh Tam farm produce in particular to reach out to the international market and to gradually affirm the position of Vietnamese agricultural products. For this reason, Thanh Tam hopes to be an important connector in order that farmer households, cooperatives, enterprises which produce quality organic products can approach demanding markets and moderately enhance the value of farm produce.


Planting and caring techniques for gourds

The gourd tree is also called the year-old bulb, soil, or potting bulb The gourd is scientific name Lagernaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Of the cucurbitaceae family. The potting plant is native to Africa and India, and is now widely grown in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide. Gourds are both delicious, cool and nutritious food.

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Planting and caring techniques for tomatoes
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Planting and caring techniques for potato plant
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