Agricultural equipment supply service

With a view to helping farmers approach modern agricultural technology and equipment, contributing to prevent economic collapse and promote agricultural – rural development in this new age, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd specializes in counselling, choosing, supplying machines, equipment, transportation for agricultural production and process such as:

Tractors, agrimotors, tilling machines, light trucks (load capacity under 5 tons).

Combine harvesters, threshers, grinders, seeding machines, huskers, tea rolling machines.

Diesel engine, motors, electric generator, motor-attached boats, water pump, oxygen aerators for aquaculture,

Lawn mower, grass chopper, crusher, food mixer, briquette machine,

Milking machine, poultry incubator…

Along with those is a professional technical team who counsel, instruct, assist farmers to choose suitable, affordable, quality, ‘long-term warranty’ machines and equipment.


Planting and caring techniques for sweet potato plant

Sweet potato is the scientific name of Ipomoca batatas L., the English name is Sweet potato, belonging to the family Bim (Convolvulaceae). Sweet potatoes are originally derived from tropical America. Sweet potatoes are not only important crops that provide food for humans, but also provide food for the livestock industry.

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Thanh Tam fertilizer co., ltd development history

1. About Us Established in 2012, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd is the unit which specializes in producing organic fertilizers by Vietnam’s advanced biotechnology. Our brand is recognized across the country with the famous trademark “Bông lúa trĩu hạt”, representing farmers’ victory, prosperity and luck. Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd always accompanies farmers to create […]

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1.Strategic partners 2. Purebase – USA Website Purebase is a natural mineral resource company that produces agricultural applications and soil amendments. Purebase provides new and improved, environmentally sound solutions to a wide range of industries, including our cornerstone market of agriculture. Headquartered in Ione, California and listed on the OTCQB under the symbol PUBC, […]

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