Thanh Tam fertilizer Co., Ltd development history

1. About Us

Established in 2012, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd is the unit which specializes in producing organic fertilizers by Vietnam’s advanced biotechnology. Our brand is recognized across the country with the famous trademark “Bông lúa trĩu hạt”, representing farmers’ victory, prosperity and luck. Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd always accompanies farmers to create seasons of abundant crops.

With two factories in Hau Giang and Binh Duong province having a capacity of over 100,000 tons of fertilizer/year, a factory complex in Ben Tre having a capacity of 100,000 tons of fertilizer/year, high-tech agricultural zones, an organic food processing factory and the biggest chain of rice grinding are currently used to serve the Vietnamese market and Southeast Asian area.

Accompanying farmers for an organic and high-tech agriculture industry, creating seasons of abundant crops, Thanh Tam organic fertilizer is increasingly affirming its brand equity, thus making farmers feel secure about the quality of products. In addition, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Company proudly has tight collaborations with Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association, research institutes and many big universities having an enthusiastic team of researchers, who cooperate with highly-skilled experts to experiment, counsel, carry out high-tech, safe and organic agriculture projects across various regions of the country.

With a firm belief in the development of Vietnam organic agriculture industry and the rising prosperity of this nation, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Company is always passionate to bring the society benefits and join hands to build a safe, sustainable Organic agriculture industry in the future. Coming to Us, customers not only feel secure about the products’ quality but can also feel the utmost sincerity, trust and passion.

2. History of formation & development

3. Vision, mission & core values


Planting and caring techniques for watermelon

Watermelon has a scientific name of Citrullus lanatus, is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, has high nutritional and commercial value. Watermelon plants are native to Africa. In Vietnam, the area of ​​growing watermelons is increasing, watermelon production brings high income, creating jobs and increasing income for people.

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1.Organizational chart of Thanh Tam Fertilizer Company 2.Thanh Tam culture

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Planting and caring techniques for carrots

The carrot tree, whose scientific name is Daucus carota L., belongs to the canopy family (Apiaceae). Carrots are a root vegetable, 1-2 years old, a crop with high nutritional and economic value, used to eat fresh and processed into commodity products of high value.

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