Planting and caring techniques for sweet potato plant

Sweet potato is the scientific name of Ipomoca batatas L., the English name is Sweet potato, belonging to the family Bim (Convolvulaceae). Sweet potatoes are originally derived from tropical America. Sweet potatoes are not only important crops that provide food for humans, but also provide food for the livestock industry.



Introduction and benefits of using Thanh Tam fertilizer

Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd with the slogan “Thanh Tam – Enhance Vietnamese agricultural products” is the unit which specializes in producing organic fertilizers by Vietnam’s advanced biotechnology, with the birth of two fertilizer production factories in Hau Giang and Binh Duong province, which have a capacity of over 100,000 tons of fertilizer/year, serving the […]

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Fertilizer production service on request

With modern equipment and on the motto “Customer is everything”, our company always fulfills customers’ demand for special-purpose organic fertilizer products, made for different types of plants, according to the recipe and use of each.

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1.Strategic partners 2. Purebase – USA Website Purebase is a natural mineral resource company that produces agricultural applications and soil amendments. Purebase provides new and improved, environmentally sound solutions to a wide range of industries, including our cornerstone market of agriculture. Headquartered in Ione, California and listed on the OTCQB under the symbol PUBC, […]

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