Planting and caring techniques for grapefruit


Planting and caring techniques for cabbages

Cabbage, scientific name is Brassica oleracea L., belongs to Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). Cabbage is a herbaceous plant that lives for two years and is a flowering plant belonging to the dicotyledonous group with the leaves forming a characteristic spherical-shaped characteristic cluster. Cabbage, known as a typical vegetable on cold winter days, can be used as […]

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Fertilizer exportation

Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd always focuses on the objective to enhance quality of products, fulfilling export standards. The company is willing to cooperate to manufacture and export fertilizers according to orders from foreign partners, suitable for the Asean market and other countries around the world that request organic agricultural production.

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Thanh Tam fertilizer Co., Ltd development history

1. About Us Established in 2012, Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd is the unit which specializes in producing organic fertilizers by Vietnam’s advanced biotechnology. Our brand is recognized across the country with the famous trademark “Bông lúa trĩu hạt”, representing farmers’ victory, prosperity and luck. Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd always accompanies farmers to create […]

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