Introduction and benefits of using Thanh Tam fertilizer

Thanh Tam Fertilizer Co., Ltd with the slogan “Thanh Tam – Enhance Vietnamese agricultural products” is the unit which specializes in producing organic fertilizers by Vietnam’s advanced biotechnology, with the birth of two fertilizer production factories in Hau Giang and Binh Duong province, which have a capacity of over 100,000 tons of fertilizer/year, serving the Vietnamese market and Southeast Asian area. The products of Thanh Tam Fertilizer Company, with the proactive alluvium enrichment technology, with the source of organic raw materials from composted manure, seaweeds containing abundant micronutrients suitable for all types of crops, help improve soil, increase fertility, increase nutrients, help plants grow strongly and develop comprehensively, enhance the quality of agricultural products, bringing high economic efficiency for farmers and farms, creating fresh, safe and high quality agricultural products for consumers.

I. Benefits of using Thanh Tam organic fertilizer for crops

1. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer provides nutrition to plants in a complete, balanced and sustainable manner

All types of Thanh Tam organic fertilizer contain macronutrients N, P, K necessary for plants. Thanh Tam Organic Fertilizer Company focuses on renovating production technology in order to enhance nutrient content in a unit of organic fertilizer (N:P:K ratio at 3:2:3), reduce mass, quickly affect plant growth, thereby reducing transporting work and appealing to farmers.

In addition, in Thanh Tam synthetic organic fertilizer, there are also secondary and micro nutrients in an easily absorbed state that help plants grow evenly such as Zn 40 ppm, Cu 50 ppm, B 70 ppm, Mn 30 ppm and Fe 30 ppm. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer will not lose nutritional balance when supplied to plants compared to when using chemical fertilizers.

In Thanh Tam organic fertilizer, combined with the slow-release technology, nutrients will gradually be broken down so as to be supplied to plants for a long time, ensuring that they meet nutritional needs throughout their growth.

When fertilized on the ground, Thanh Tam organic fertilizer decomposes into humus containing organic acids: humic acid, fulvic acid…, which stimulate the growth of roots, allowing roots to absorb nutrients easily. In addition, Thanh Tam VN-Humix bio-fertilizer is supplemented with humic acid with main components such as: 23% organic component, 2.5% N, 2% P2O5, 1% K2O, 2.5% humic acid, Zn 80 ppm, Cu 50 ppm, B 150 ppm, Mn 100 ppm and Fe 50 ppm, which helps replenish nutrients for plants, along with humic acid to help plants absorb nutrients easily, develop evenly and consistently.

2. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer helps enhance the quality of agricultural products.
Improper use of inorganic fertilizers will leave agricultural products with residues of toxic chemicals, reducing the amount of nutrients in the produce, therefore resulting in low value. Using Thanh Tam organic fertilizer allows crops to produce higher quality farm produce than using other inorganic fertilizers. Indeed, apart from the main nutritional factors, trace elements play an important role in enhancing the flavor and sweetness of agricultural products. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer contains sufficient nutrients necessary for the development of plants, including lots of secondary and micro nutrients, which help improve product quality, plants’ health, as well as increase plants’ resistance to diseases, allowing farmers to limit the use of pesticides. Therefore, the farm produce is of high quality, with decent flavor, crunchiness, sweetness and can be preserved longer, easy to transport and safe for consumption.

3. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer helps increase the nutrition content, provides humus for soil, helps balance microorganisms in soil, limits erosion and washout.

With organic component accounting for 15-23% of Thanh Tam fertilizer, under the influence of the environment, organic substances applied to soil are broken down and accumulated gradually, which helps increase the nutrition content in soil. Organic fertilizer resolves, creating humus, causing the adhesiveness of soil structure. Owing to a decent structure, soil becomes porous and airy, enhancing the ability to retain water and nutrients, creating a favorable environment for roots to grow.

Thanh Tam organic fertilizer when used throughout the sustainable developmental process of plants will continuously improve soil, create a favorable environment for microorganism system to grow and limit harmful microorganisms. This contributes to the improvement of microorganism system in soil in a way that benefits both soil and plants. In addition, Thanh Tam organic fertilizer also helps avoid soil washout and erosion. The degraded organic matter will be combined with nutritious minerals to become an organic – mineral complex which has an important effect on reducing washout and erosion of nutrients.

4. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer helps improve soil, save irrigation water
Thanh Tam organic fertilizer has a great effect on improving soil, especially for sandy and infertile soils. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer has a high content of organic substances and alluvium-enriching components that have a strong impact on soil structure, improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. Therefore, increasing the use of Thanh Tam organic fertilizer will help improve agricultural land, especially in barren, infertile areas.

In addition, using Thanh Tam organic fertilizer frequently for a long time will help improve soil efficiently, help soil become porous, increase its ability to retain water and moisture, thereby limiting the need for regular watering. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer allows farmers to save costs and labor, while the plants still grow evenly and sustainably.

 5. Using Thanh Tam organic fertilizer does not pollute the environment, which helps limit the use of inorganic fertilizers

Unlike inorganic fertilizers containing toxic chemicals, difficult to decompose in the natural environment, Thanh Tam organic fertilizer can fully break down in natural conditions. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer helps increase soil structure, and does not pollute the environment. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer always accompanies fresh Vietnamese agricultural products, for a sustainable development in Vietnamese agriculture, for the health of growers and consumers, help reduce environmental pollution.

II. Ingredients in Thanh Tam organic fertilizer, effect on soil improvement andhealth of crops

Thanh Tam fertilizer uses main ingredients from the waste of cattle, dried seaweed. In addition, an especially outstanding feature of Thanh Tam organic fertilizer is the source of secondary and micro nutrients supplemented from seaweed and alluvium enrichment technology in processing. Thanh Tam organic fertilizer is perfectly suitable for organic farming and organic agriculture, allowing farmers to have many options for the cultivation process with various kinds of plants. With the alluvium enrichment technology, Thanh Tam organic fertilizer contains secondary and micro nutrients in an easily absorbed state that help plants grow evenly such as magnesium, carbon, potassium, calcium, silicon, sulfur and sulfate, which are essential minerals. The trace elements that are easily absorbed by plants are iron, zinc, copper, nickel, boron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, humic acids and fulvic acids.

Table of ingredients in Thanh Tam organic fertilizer

Ingredients Content  
Organic substances % 39,55
Total protein (N) % 0,129
Effective phosphate (P2O5) % 0,056
Effective potassium (K2O) % 0,966
Carbon (C) % 10,51
Calcium (Ca) % 2,543
Magnesium (Mg) % 0,099
Sulfur (S) % 3,766
Sodium (Na) % 0,138
Silicon (SiO2) ppm 4319,2
Boron (B) ppm 82,5
Copper (Cu) ppm 56,8
Chelated iron (Fe) ppm 16086,0
Manganese (Mn) ppm 112,5
Zinc (Zn) ppm 36,0
Molybdenum (Mo) ppm 9,14
Cobalt (Co) ppm 13,07
Humic acid % 2,83
Fulvic acid % 6,26

With a varied and abundant source of raw materials, containing lots of secondary and micro nutrients in an easily absorbed state, Thanh Tam fertilizer has many outstanding features such as:

– Increase the ability to agglomerate soil, rehabilitate degraded soil, optimize water management technology.

– The supplement of easily absorbed silicon minerals helps improve the ability to block harmful UV rays, support plant’s immune proteins to enhance resistance to diseases, increase photosynthetic activity, reduce toxicity of heavy metals like Al, Cd, As, Zn, and Mn, increase solubility and absorption of calcium, increase the absorption of potassium, phosphate.

– The source of sulfur with reasonable content helps plants fully grow, increases the growth of young shoots, plays an important role in the metabolism of antioxidants.

– The amount of calcium helps plants stabilize cell walls, contributing to soil agglomeration.

– Iron supplemented in the form of chelate is essential for chlorophyll synthesis, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and root development.

– Increasing chelate minerals with fulvic acid helps improve stability of synthesis and enhance nutrient absorption; increasing humic acid improves the supplement of minerals in soil, enhances the diversity of good bacteria, algae, fungi… in soil, minimizes the absorption of sodium salt of plants.

– Zinc is essential for the synthesis of tryptophan or auxin, the synthesis of chlorophyll, ensuring the intactness of cell membranes. Zinc deficiency occurs in highly weathered acidic soils and leads to stunted and short trees.

– Boron is essential for ensuring the intactness of cell structure and the development of pollen tubes. Lack of boron inhibits cell expansion, kills meristem, and reduces pollination ability.

– Copper receives electron for photosynthesis and respiration. Copper deficiency leads to stunted growth, deformed young leaves, and chlorosis/necrosis beginning at apical meristem that extends down the leaf margins.

– Manganese facilitates electron transportation during photosynthesis, activates enzymes during lignin synthesis. Manganese deficiency reduces photosynthesis and chlorophyll content.

– Molybdenum is a crucial component in nitrogen absorption and utilization. Lack of Molybdenum leads to symptoms of nitrogen deficiency and stunted plants with chlorosis in young leaves.

– Nickel is an essential nutrient for urea uptake and metabolism as the co-factor of urease hormone.

– Cobalt is crucial for the growth of rhizobia in legumes, and is highly important for biosynthesis of vitamins in crops. The composition of diverse and easily absorbed secondary, micro nutrients plays an important role in the development of plants; helps plants increase resistance against biological agents and abiotic stress such as drought, collapse, salinity, the effects of heat and ultraviolet rays from the sun; allows plants to have better resistance to pests; reduces harmful effects of heavy metals on plant growth.


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